1. Make sure you get a good education. It’s a surefire way to increase your options in life. It allows you to make independent choices, realise your potential and when the situation is not right, to walk away. Don’t just get educated, use your education wisely and don’t waste your talent.
2. Learn how to manage your finances. Many young people are indebted beyond their capacity. Managing your financial resources is an important skill. If you are able to manage money, you’ll be able to manage all the other aspects of your life.
3. Release the past. Carrying heavy emotional burdens impacts our ability to be effective, show up and give ourselves permission to contribute to the world. Don’t worry about what people think, only worry about what God thinks of you. It is in releasing all the burdens, expectations that we find our power and authority to be all that we are capable of.
4. Find yourself a Mentor. Mentoring offers an effective way to gain experience from others. It enables young people to build their confidence, to guide their choices and to empower them to engage more effectively in the world. Don’t be be afraid to ask for help when you need it and don’t pretend like you’ve got everything figured out.
5. Rely on your own passion. When starting a new venture don’t expect to have much support in the early stages. You will need to rely on your own passion, sense of adventure and commitment to support and sustain you until you achieve success or have a breakthrough.